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Other activated carbon - Honeycomb activated carbon [BACK]
  • Detail
  • Product Name : Honeycomb activated carbon
    Honeycomb activated carbon is high quality coal as raw materials, auxiliary materials and activated carbon honeycomb block Cheng Fang Kong (filterable), as a new environmentally friendly adsorption material, mainly used in low concentrations, a variety of organic waste gas purification wind volume can be widely for treatment with toluene, xylene, benzene, benzene, phenols, esters, aldehydes and other organic gases and bad odor gas containing traces of heavy metals and various types of gas in the bed, through the honeycomb structure, the product volume density large specific surface area, adsorption efficiency, drag coefficient is small, have excellent aerodynamic product shrink. Equipment, reduce energy consumption, reduce the cost of the adsorption bed and running costs, high efficiency of the purification of waste gas treatment, purified gas emissions fully meet the requirements of environmental protection. 

    Product Specifications 
    Spot products are 100mm × 100mm × 100mm (length × width × height), 48 × 48 = 2304 holes.

    Main technical parameters 
    1) the design wind speed: 2 1000-100000 (m / sec) 
    2) The number of holes: 150 holes / per square inch. 
    3) Thickness: 0.5mm 
    4) surface area: 650 square meters / sec 
    5) desorption temperature: 110 degrees 
    6) adsorption performance: 25-28% absorption rate (dynamic measurement) 40% of carbon tetrachloride 
    7) Compressive strength: positive pressure 0.7mpa, lateral pressure 0.3mpa 
    8) esistance: 490Pa gas line speed 1.0m/Sec 
    4mm drop 42 pa 
    20mm drop 98 pa 
    9) The density :0.38-0 .42g/ml 
    10) empty tower wind speed m / s: 0.8pa (bed thickness of 60cm, wind speed 0.6m / s)  
    Honeycomb Activated Carbon Application 
    According to the cellular characteristics of activated carbon adsorption, the activated carbon is mainly used for air purification, waste recycling (such as the gas in the chemical industry, "benzene" in recovery), precious metals recovery and refining (eg, the absorption of gold). 
    With the development of science, more and more widespread use of activated carbon, as the country's attention on the ecological environment, activated carbon also play an increasing role

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